Thursday, February 14, 2008

My Ears are Cold

Yes, for the first time since early in 8th grade, my hair is short. I feel a bit vulnerable and susceptible to the elements. I figured what the hell, I'm in a foreign country where a bunch of punk-ass kids have the same haircut, none of my loved ones see me every day so if it ends up being stupid it won't hurt as bad.
The girl who cut it was Polish and spoke no English, so I had to point something out in a magazine to her. That was pretty alarming but she did a decent job. I did it on Monday. On Tuesday, I passed Daithi inside Trinity (for those who dont know, Daithi is the guy I worked for two summers ago, and whose office I sometimes hang out in/do some extra work to help him finish his book) Daithi walked straight past me without so much as a word, and when I called him out, he turned, looked confused, and muttered "Jesus..." 'Nuff said.
Nicole found out today, when I approached her to go to lunch. She babbled for a bit. I think she likes it, or at least pretends she does. I've had girls that are in my classes who have never spoken to me pass me in the halls and go "Oh God, you cut your hair!"
Anyway, you be the judge about whether it was a good choice. Any time I save during washing is lost again because it has to be fixed, so stalemate there. It actually stays right without being fixed, but I prefer to put that awful goop on it to make sure it doesn't go crazy on me. We'll see what its like as it grows.
Oh yeah, and sorry for the emo pictures. I had to take them in the mirror for lack of a helper.

1 comment:

Richard said...

I think "Jesus..." pretty much sums the initial reaction.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do, right?

You're about to hate wind even more.