Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Cockles and Mussels Alive, Alive-o

Tuesday was windy as hell. It was a kind of Irish Kenny the Pooh and the Blustery Day. There was a ~40 mph sustained wind, with gusts that must have been well over 50 and up. My walk to class was accomplished by leaning forward about 20 degrees to preserve my forward momentum. Sideward gusts allowed me to perform a highly difficult feat multiple times - spitting on a wall while walking parallel to it and spitting directly forward with no mind to aim.

Dangerously, I've discovered a kind of chocolate chocolate-chip muffic called "Magic Muffins" that is sold at discounted prices in Trinity's student union shop. These muffins taste very close to a similar confection called "Puddin' Cake" that I used to eat as a child. Whatever is in these muffins, I hope it's not bad for you.

It takes an average of 25 minutes to walk to Trinity from my apartment. Sometimes, I leave with plenty of time, sometimes I don't. The answer is to treat myself like a lawnmower, with a few fixed speeds. The gearshift in this case is the music I listen to. If I can afford to stroll, I'll play some Earth Wind and Fire. If I'm pressed for time, some late-era Judas Priest.

In other news, any surface in this city that has raised edges and does not drain properly grows moss. This includes buildings. Nicole's getting in this weekend, so there will probably be more pictures because we'll do touristy stuff.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

The wind up here can be horrible man. I was on the Shankill yesterday and there was a sudden guss of wind that almost lifted me off of the ground.